Operational Update:
We have resumed limited shipping services in select locations of
Ukraine. As we operate under elevated risk, additional charges
may apply.
Domestic and inbound services to Russia have been suspended,
no shipments accepted until further notice.
Full services suspension.
Public Holiday:
23rdDec: Micronesia (Federated States Of)
Asia Pacific:
Operational Update:
China cities suspensions and restrictions are evolving rapidly on a
daily basis with multiple changes. Our China team has released a
new site to ensure all service suspensions are updated on this site.
This ensures all customers are kept up to date of the changes.
Kindly refer to this hyperlink for the latest DHL China service
impact. (In case of any clarification, please contact your account
It is recommended to use Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome when
accessing to allow it to be translated to English
Global Pick-up Suspension for below cities remains:
Shaoguan, Xizang, Maoming
Public Holiday:
22ndDec: Macau, Myanmar
Sub Saharan Africa:
Public Holiday:
21stDec: Sao Tome and Principe
22ndDec: Zimbabwe
Middle East and North Africa:
Operational Update:
Afghanistan: Due to volatile situation in Afghanistan, DHL have
been forced to suspend all the service effective from 15thAugust
Countries not served & high risk sanctioned Countries:
Countries Not Served:
•Bovet Island
•British Indian Ocean Territory
•French Southern Territories
•Heard & McDonald Islands
•Saint Pierre & Miquelon
•Tristan Da Cunha
•US Minor Outlying Islands (Baker Is, Howland Is, Jarvis Is, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, Palmyra Atoll,
Wake Is)
•Western Sahara
High Risk Sanctioned Countries:
All shipments going to a High Risk sanctioned country must have a signed Letter of Indemnity and will undergo 100%
•Iran (Islamic Republic Of)
•Korea, The D.P.R Of (North Korea)
Additional Updates: •Israel –Jordan-Lane is temporarily suspended.