Myanmar situation update as of Ma ...

Please see below Myanmar situation update as of Mar 01, 2021 for your reference.

Latest situation of MM Coup Update
1. Current curfew status  

08.00 PM to 04.00 AM

2. Airport operations  

Yangon Int’l Airport is open with limited capacity.

EY is having flights to/from Myanmar on spot basis. For cargo booking, we need to double check for all inquiries.

Other airlines are checking with their principle for operation this week.


3. Seaport operation  

All sea ports are operating with limited capacity and staff. Delays are expected for picking up and returning containers, both empty and full.

Some carriers are releasing booking and space.


4. Cross-border traffic  


Cargo movement is possible with delay.

Lead time for cross-border trucking (door-to-door) from Yangon to Bangkok is 4-5 days.


The border is still closed.


5. (MACCS) Customs system  

Able to access the system.

6. Bank operation  

All government banks are open such as Myanmar Economic Bank and Central Bank of Myanmar.

All private banks are closed.

Internet banking transfers can only be done within the same bank.

It is currently not possible to transfer money overseas.


7. Domestic traffic (transport from factories to ports/airports/warehouse)  

Some areas, bridges/roads are blocked by protesters, especially in Yangon, Mandalay and Naypyidaw.

8. Communication  

Domestic line, mobile phone and internet are still unstable.

Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter have been blocked, but can still be accessed via VPN.

Mar 1, 2021, is the 15th day the internet continues to be unavailable countrywide from 1 am to 9 am.

9. Other  

Over 30 wounded and at least 18 people were killed after Myanmar police fired on protesters around the country.

The US government is preparing additional actions in coming days against those responsible for the violent crackdown and military coup in Myanmar.