Technology is advancing all the time, as people use it to make jobs easier, save time and money. Automation can remove human error, and this can be implemented across many different skilled areas, right from driverless cars that are being developed, through to everyday sorting in the logistics department. This spans across so many areas of everyday life, with more companies choosing to use automation as part of their brand. This is no different within the logistics industry, where it is now becoming more and more common to use automated sorting, picking and distribution tools throughout the order to delivery process.
What are the benefits of automation?
Automation is quickly becoming a key feature for many businesses since it offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it has the ability to remove human error since everything is done by machine. This can make business processes more efficient. It saves costs where staff would otherwise need training, as well as removing the requirement to pay salaries. In some industries, automation is now an even cheaper option than outsourcing work to international countries where lower wages can be paid.
What jobs are being affected?
Currently the main jobs where automation is having a major impact are in processing and sorting, from the order to delivery process. Repetitive tasks in manufacturing, as well as data entry have also been impacted since automating these processes removes the possibility of human error, and can significantly reduce the time taken to complete tasks. Within the logistics industry, job roles that are most likely to be affected are those working in sorting parcels, as well as storage and transport options which can be automated.
The risk to employees
In the UK, the percentage of jobs thought to be in jeopardy over the next decade is thought to be around 35%, compared to much higher risks in countries where there is a strong focus on production like China where it is estimated at up to 77%. Production industries and consumer-based industries are the most likely to be affected by the move towards automation in the future, with service-based companies continuing to rely heavily on human ability and skills.
The rise of new opportunities
Despite the risk to some jobs due to automation, there should also be a rise in new job opportunities. This is likely to include things like manufacturing and programming for new machines, with specialist roles being created as a result of more automated tasks being carried out. There has already been a rise in AI (Artificial Intelligence) created by humans which is seeing machines completing more complex tasks, such as data capturing and analysis, which is already being used to predict stocks in trading.
The future of automation may leave some uncertainty for employees in different sectors, but new jobs and skills will be created to diversify businesses and how they work across the world. UCS work in an innovative and creative way to deliver the most efficient and effective delivery and logistics services to our clients.
Find out more about how we can make your logistics more efficient, and take care of the order and delivery process for your customers, by giving us a call today on 08448 793229.