Supply chains exist within any business that sells products to customers, and this impacts almost every other area within the business operations. This is because everything works together to ensure seamless deliveries – from the finance department factoring in the costs of manufacturing, shipping, and calculating profit, through to the research and development that takes place in order to be able to offer new products and customer choices in the future.
Suppliers in the chain
Supply chain management is not just managing your products, but also your time, money and the information within your business. This happens not just on one level, but you can also have Tier II suppliers, when your suppliers are sourcing from other suppliers. It is important to manage and oversee this process since the initial suppliers will affect the efficiency and success of your own chain and therefore the end products and services that you are able to offer your clients.
Information as a key driver
Managing a chain of suppliers at different levels can be made easier when information is shared successfully. For example you need to provide information about firm and forecasted orders to allow preparation to take place to meet these orders. The Tier II suppliers can then manage their own supply chain to guarantee that they source the raw materials, and have the capacity to meet these orders on time and within budget.
Looking at your logistics
Logistics is another central area within your supply chain management, looking at the movement of your products. This can mean working alongside shipping companies, using external courier services, freight forwarders and third party providers to get your customers’ orders to different locations nationally or internationally. Managing these well can save unexpected and unnecessary costs.
Customer service can reflect your supply chain
Ultimately the more efficiently you are able to manage your complete supply chain, the faster and more reliable deliveries you can make to your customers to get your products to them as soon as possible. Listening to your customer can also affect your supply chain – for example if customer feedback suggests making packaging changes, this can change elements of production and timings within your supply chain. At the same time, the way you manage your supply chain can come across in your customer services.
UCS offer a wide range of services which contribute towards your company’s successful supply chain management. Get in touch with our team today to find out more about optimising your supply chain, on 08448 793229.